18 Months’ Midterm F.A.I.T.H Project Report

The F.A.I.T.H project coordinator has submitted 18 months’ midterm project report to the European Commission ERASMUS-LS grant management on September 01/2024. The report is of delivered activities, tasks and sub tasks of all work packages planed to be delivered at that time frame.

Erasmus Networking Forum, Nairobi Kenya

F.A.I.T.H project coordinator Dr. Ephrem Tekle attended the Erasmus+ Networking Forum in #Nairobi, Kenya on September 21-13/2024. He made successful presentation on #F.A.T.I.H and #MaDE projects for UAS. The coordinator indicates that DAAD and #Erasmus+ are providing a great opportunity for cooperation between Eastern Africa University and EU-Higher Education in general and Universities in Germany in particular. On top of that, #Erasmus+ and #DAAD offer incredible opportunities for Sub-Saharan Africa, through which we are able to secure funds for #FAITH and #MaDE for UAS in Ethiopia. The two projects were examples for the valuable tips project application presentation emphasizing the opportunities offered by #Erasmus+ and #DAAD for Sub-Saharan Africa; made by Dr. Ephrem together with Dr. Uta Potgiesser for Over 200 delegates from #Germany, #Kenya, #Uganda, #Tanzania, #Ethiopia, #Rwanda, #Burundi, and #SouthSudan attended the Forum.

Second F.A.I.T.H Project Assembly June 5/2024

The European Union funded and coordinated by the Kotebe University of Education (KUE) Coordinated, FAITH project, an initiative focusing on creating a Fit, Adjusted, Innovative, Trendy, and Holistic approach in Ethiopian Universities of applied Science to meet the needs of industries and the labor market, held its second general assembly meeting at Kotebe University of Education (KUE) in Addis Ababa.

The event commenced with a welcoming speech by FAITH Project Coordinator Dr. Ephrem Tekle Yacob. In his opening remarks, he highlighted the genesis and rationale of the project, providing an overview of achievements to date and outlining the tasks ahead. He extended gratitude to the presidents of the partnering universities, project team members, and tandem experts for their contributions. Following that, Honorable Dr. Berhanemeskel Tena, President of KUE, delivered an opening speech emphasizing the need for differentiation in Ethiopian higher education and the importance of collaborative efforts among various stakeholders. Dr. Berhanemeskel acknowledged the fruitful 16-month journey of the project. He commended the European project members for their dedication and particularly thanked the presidents of Jigjiga University and wolaita sodo university.

Status updates on several work packages were then presented:

• Professor Frank Ziegele from CHE Centre for Higher Education provided an update on Work Package 3.

• Mr. behailu Korma from the Ministry of Education — Ethiopia outlined the planned activities for Work Packages 4, 5, and 7.

• Mrs. Adanech Teshome from wolaita sodo university reported on Work Package 6 (Quality Management).

• Mrs. Zufan Gebrehiwet Hagos from Jigjiga University delivered the status update for Work Package 8 (Dissemination).

• The project’s external evaluator, Professor Erwin Smet, provided with a constructive and honest assessment of the activities performed so far.

Each presentation was followed by a lively discussion and exchange of ideas among the participants.

In his closing remarks, the President of KUE expressed his appreciation to all attendees for their active participation and contributions to the meeting.

For detail please visit us:

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Eastern Ethiopian Industry Cluster Workshop on May 21, 2024

F.A.I.T.H Project, in collaboration with Jigjiga University STEP III, organized Eastern Ethiopian Industry Cluster Workshop on May 21, 2024. The workshop aimed to strengthen the linkage between Ethiopian Universities of Applied Sciences and industries.
His Excellency Bashir Abdullahi (PhD), President of Jigjiga University, emphasized in his speech the need for partnerships between universities and industries for sustainable development. Honorable Eba Mijena (PhD), CEO for Academic Affairs of Higher Education at the FDRE Ministry of Education, highlighted the importance of closer collaboration for activities such as curriculum development, co-financing, joint research, and internships.
Dr. Ephrem Tekle Yacob, coordinator of the F.A.I.T.H Project, presented a discussion titled “Realizing Universities of Applied Science in Ethiopia: the Contribution of Project F.A.I.T.H.” emphasizing the status of University-industry linkage in the Ethiopian context, Policy frameworks, Ethiopian higher education differentiation study and strategy, key features of Applied Science Universities, achievements so far, genesis and rationale of the project, its objectives, role, and responsibilities of Universities as well as industries on the realization of meeting the labor market demand. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion featuring Elias Abdullahi (PhD), Ephrem Tekle (PhD), Ahmed Mohamed (PhD), Ashenafi Daba, and moderated by Fekadu Yehuwalashet (PhD) which addressed questions, comments, and future plans from both industry and academia, including university leaders, teachers, and students. Finally, the establishment of an Advisory Board through the STEP III Project was introduced to the workshop participants to further strengthen the linkage and ensure its sustainability.
At the end, Bashir Abdullahi (PhD), President of Jigjiga University, expressed gratitude to all participants from various industries for their significant contributions, and organizers – Jigjiga University F.A.I.T.H Project: Work Package 8 (WP8) Core Team Zufan Gebrehiwet Hagos (Lear), Meka Kedir Jibril and Fekadu Yehuwalashet (PhD) (Senior Experts) and STEP III project Team lead by Ahmed Mohamed (PhD).

Meeting the State Minister

Project FAITH has important recommendations in the national effort to realize UAS in Ethiopia. These recommendations can only be meaningful if we can make them part of the new norm. As part of our effort to contribute to the change process, we had the privilege of meeting the state Minister H.E. Mr. Kora Tushune. The discussion we had was fruitful


Status meeting for F.A.I.T.H pilot projects

Status meeting for F.A.I.T.H pilot projects was convened at Jigjiga University. Dr. Ephrem Tekle, the FAITH Project Manager, and Mr. Belayneh Bogale, the Project Assistant, along with Jigjiga University Core Team, held a meeting with TANDEM Experts of the project to review and assess the current status and progress of the pilot projects within the initiative.
The Pilot projects design by experts form Jigjiga university are related to Partner and Students Relationships, Industry partnership in Jigjiga University for Sustainable Educational Environment, Revising of Jigjiga University policy and Guidelines of Research and Technology Transfer and Integrating sustainability/SDGs in Jigjiga University’s research activity.
The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of direction and clarity on the team’s next steps.

Eastern Ethiopian Industry Cluster Workshop

F.A.I.T.H Project, in collaboration with Jigjiga University STEP III, organized Eastern Ethiopian Industry Cluster Workshop on May 21, 2024. The workshop aimed to strengthen the linkage between Ethiopian Universities of Applied Sciences and industries.
His Excellency Bashir Abdullahi (PhD), President of Jigjiga University, emphasized in his speech the need for partnerships between universities and industries for sustainable development. Honorable Eba Mijena (PhD), CEO for Academic Affairs of Higher Education at the FDRE Ministry of Education, highlighted the importance of closer collaboration for activities such as curriculum development, co-financing, joint research, and internships.
Ephrem Tekle (PhD), coordinator of the F.A.I.T.H Project, presented a discussion titled “Realizing Universities of Applied Science in Ethiopia: the Contribution of Project F.A.I.T.H.” emphasizing the status of University-industry linkage in the Ethiopian context, Policy frameworks, Ethiopian higher education differentiation study and strategy, key features of Applied Science Universities, achievements so far, genesis and rationale of the project, its objectives, role, and responsibilities of Universities as well as industries on the realization of meeting the labor market demand. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion featuring Elias Abdullahi (PhD), Ephrem Tekle (PhD), Ahmed Mohamed (PhD), Mr. Ashenafi Daba, and moderated by Fekadu Yehuwalashet (PhD) which addressed questions, comments, and future plans from both industry and academia, including university leaders, teachers, and students. Finally, the establishment of an Advisory Board through the STEP III Project was introduced to the workshop participants to further strengthen the linkage and ensure its sustainability.
At the end, Bashir Abdullahi (PhD), President of Jigjiga University, expressed gratitude to all participants from various industries for their significant contributions, and organizers – Jigjiga University F.A.I.T.H Project: Work Package 8 (WP8) Core Team Zufan Gebrehiwot (Lear), Meka Kedir and Fekadu Yehuwalashet, PhD (Senior Experts) and STEP III project Team lead by Ahmed Mohamed (PhD).

Year One Evaluative Meeting

On March 28th, 2024, we held Year One Evaluative Meeting of Project F.A.I.T.H. to assess the project’s progress and discuss the way forward. The meeting was held virtually and was opened by Honorable Dr. Birhanemeskel Tena, President of Kotebe University of Education. He stated that eight deliverables of the project have been submitted so far and the project had received great commitment from its partners. This commitment is essential in transforming Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Ethiopia.
During the meeting, all partnering universities from Europe and Ethiopia as well as Ministry of Education presented first-year status and progress report of their work package – Work Package 2 (Development) presented by Natalya Sharovatova from Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (OUAS), – Work Package 3 (Design and piloting) presented by Caroline Friedhoff from Centre for Higher Education (CHE), Work Package 4, 5 and 7 (Implementation, evaluation and community of learning) presented by Behailu Korma from Ministry of Education Ethiopia, Work Package 6 (Quality management) presented by Adanech Teshome from Wolita sodo university, Work Package 8 ((Dissemination) presented by Zufan Gebrehiwet from Jigjiga University, and Work Package 1(Coordination) presented by Dr. Almaz Wasse from Kotebe University of Education. In addition, External Evaluator Prof. Erwin Smet from University of Antwerp (UA) presented his reflection on the project quality.
In the end, Dr Ephrem Tekle, the Project Manager and the moderator of this meeting acknowledged the effort of all teams and mentioned that “Let’s keep the color of the project and move forward” because the project’s impact for Ethiopian Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) is enormous. Finally, the meeting was closed by Honorable Dr Eba Mejana, CEO Ministry of Education Ethiopia, mentioned that the project have full support of the Ministry to accelerate its effective implementation.