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Celebrating One Year of Success in the EU Funded Project FAITH! 🎉

We are thrilled to share the incredible progress achieved in the EU funded FAITH Project over the past year! 🚀 In collaboration with our partners and beneficiaries from Ethiopia and Europe, we’ve embarked on an amazing journey to support the Ethiopian Ministry of Education in establishing a robust framework for the UAS sector and crafting a tailored Ethiopian UAS model. 🌍

Let’s take a look at some of our key milestones:

We diligently prepared the Project Handbook to guide our efforts.

  • With enthusiasm and determination, we officially launched the project through signing the grant agreement. 
  • ⁠We kicked off with a bang, signing the partnership agreement and hosting a successful kick-off meeting in March 8, 2023.
  • Our dedicated project management team has been tirelessly coordinating, monitoring progress, and troubleshooting any challenges along the way.
  • Successfully hosted Screening committee, general assembly
  • We have held informative workshops and reviewed best practices to share knowledge effectively.
  • ⁠Documented both the status quo of Ethiopian UASs and lesson learned from UAS in Europe 
  • Six toolboxes have been developed, covering crucial areas such as Internship, Partnership and Regional Development, Applied Research and Technology Transfer, Sustainable Development Goals, Career Pathways, and Part-time Lecturers and upskilling. Currently, the toolboxes are under pilot test and will be ready for use after August 2024. 
  • Quality control activities are in full swing with the development and utilization of quality strategies, time sheets, and regular reporting.
  • ⁠Our dissemination efforts are reaching new heights through strategic planning, social media platforms, website development, and engagement in various events.
 We are immensely proud of what we have accomplished together so far and look forward to even greater achievements in the future. Our aspiration is to see UASs in Ethiopia.

F.A.I.T.H., virtual training on Project Management

As we are approaching the end of the first year of project F.A.I.T.H., virtual training on Project Management has been organized. The main objective of this training was to crystalize the next paths of the project effectively and to keep the project deliverables up to the standard and quality. During this stage, Implementation of pilot projects shall be effected with the purpose of testing and revising the toolbox. Based on the implementation experiences and lessons learnt will be documented.  Prof. Kai Handel from Hochschule Osnabrück and Dr. Ephrem Tekle from Kotebe University of Education lead the training session. For all participants from European and Ethiopian Universities, the session was insightful to take the project to the next highest level. In addition, each Tandem expert from Ministry of Education  Ethiopia, Kotebe University of Education, Wolita sodo university and Jigjiga University presented their pilot project to be implemented during the pilot period.  Various support documents and templates are shared to the experts as well. At the end, Dr Ephrem Tekle, the project coordinator stated that this is the very interesting step of the project as we will generate practical lesson which will enhance the toolboxes developed by the Tandem experts.

Project General Assembly and Dissemination meeting

The European partnering universities of Applied Sciences of FAITH Project,  Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, CHE Centre for Higher Education contribution on Work Package 2: Development and Work Package 3: Design and Piloting is extraordinary. The experience shared and presentation given by Prof Frank Ziegele and Prof Kai Handel during the project General Assembly and Dissemination meeting added great value for Tandem experts to development the Toolbox which is reviewed on January 26, 2024 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

JJU FAITH Project Team had a meeting with Jigjiga University President.

February 06/2024, JJU FAITH Project Team had a meeting with Beshir Abdullahi (Ph.D.), Jigjiga University President. During the meeting we discussed on the status of the work package 8 (WP8 – Dissemination) and “Next Steps” of the project.
At the end, The President of Jigjiga University, Beshir Abdullahi (Ph.D.), stated that more focus should be given to the next tasks of the project based on the action plan and he gave directions on the way forward.

The F.A.I.T.H Project held a Toolbox Review Workshop,

The F.A.I.T.H Project held a Toolbox Review Workshop, aimed at improving the capabilities of Ethiopian Universities of Applied Science January 26, 2024, Addis Ababa – With representatives from partnering institutions and experts in attendance, the toolbox review workshop for Work Package 3 of the F.A.I.T.H project (Ethiopian Universities of Applied Sciences being F(it), A(djusted), I(nnovative), T(rendy), and H(olistic) to meet Industries and the Labor Market) kicked off on January 25, 2024 at Kotebe University of Education.

The event was inaugurated by the Honorable Dr. Birhane Meskel Tena, President of Kotebe University, who emphasized the necessity of partnership and cooperation in advancing higher education initiatives in his key note speech. In his opening remarks, Dr. Ephrem Teklle, coordinator of the F.A.I.T.H project, set the stage for the workshop highlighting the primary objective of the event.

The project coordinator claimed the objective of the workshop as to scrutinize the draft tandem toolboxes crafted by experts from Saxion University of Applied Science, Osnabruck University of Applied Science, Jigjiga University, Kotebe University of Education, and Wolaita Sodo University for Work Package 3.

Afterwards, Carolin Friedhoff introduced the all-encompassing concept of the toolboxes through a Zoom presentation. This was followed by Dr. ir Abje Y. from Saxion University of Applied Sciences, who shared insights on “Working in UAS in Europe” via Zoom. The session was followed with a lively discussion and exchange of ideas.

During the workshop, the Tandem experts, organized into teams, presented their collaborative efforts on six key tandem topics: Industry partnership + regional development, Internship, Sustainable Development, Career Path, Part-time, and Applied Research for Ethiopian UAS. The insightful discussions were backed by reviewers from Applied Science Universities and diverse professional backgrounds, including industries and professional fields. Their constructive feedback aimed to refine and contextualize the toolbox, ensuring its applicability and effectiveness within Ethiopian Universities of Applied Science (UASs).

On the second day of the event, January 26, 2024, under the moderation of Dr. Fekede Tuli, Accadamic Vice President of KUE and a project management team member, alongside Dr. Ephrem Tekle, the Coordinator of the F.A.I.T.H project, the review feedbacks were consolidated. The session delved into plotting the way forward for the project’s implementation.

Notably, Dr. Eba Mejena, the Executive Officer of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, offered valuable insights and guidance, further emphasizing the collaborative trajectory of the F.A.I.T.H project in shaping the future of higher education in Ethiopia.

In his concluding remarks, Dr. Birhanemeskel Tena, President of KUE, expressed gratitude to all participants for their significant contributions, with a special acknowledgment to our partners from Germany for traveling thousands of miles to be part of this event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


FAITH Project General Assembly Meeting

Jigjiga university team, on FAITH Project General Assembly Meeting, presented the progress of Work Package Eight (WP8) – Dissemination and future plan. Mrs. Zufan Gebrehiwet (LEAR of the work package) stated, in her presentation, the main objective of the dissemination is to successfully transfer the result of the project to stakeholders, partners and decision makers. To do this the work Package focuses on Social media presence, website development and update, organize national and international conference to effectively disseminate the outputs of the project to the beneficiaries.

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Wolaita Sodo University presented F.A.I.T.H Project Quality Assurance Management Progress Report.

Wolaita Sodo University presented F.A.I.T.H Project Quality Assurance Management progress report on Oct 19/2023 during the F.A.I.T.H General Assembly.
Wolaita Sodo Ethiopian University of Applied Science is among the participants of the F.A.I.T.H project. The University is a leader of work package 6(Quality Assurance Management). This work package focuses on the implementation process and the impact the F.A.I.T.H activities have on the UAS study programs as well as on the local and regional industries , and to provide MoE with information for further decision making. The WSU F.A.I.T.H Legaly Appointed Representative Adanach Teshome pointed out that the the specific objectives of WP6 are: to collect data and provide report for the project.

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The first F.A.I.T.H project kick-off meeting was held on March 8, 2023.

The first F.A.I.T.H project kick-off meeting was held on March 8/2023.

The event was officially opened by Honorable Dr Birhanemeskel Tena, the president of Kotebe University of Education, with positive ambitions and good wishes. His Excellency Dr Beshir Abdullahi, the president of Jigjiga University made a crucial speech about how the project has been important for Jigjiga University as an applied science relating to its center of excellences.

In the meeting, Dr Ephrem Tekele, the Coordinator of the project from KUE presented the project’s general concept, and its management nature.

Additionally, the Primary contact of the project, Dr Margareth Gfrerer, shared her experience that helps all the participants make the project successful. All the Legally Appointed Representatives (LEARs): Zufan Gebrehiwet from Jigjiga University, Behailu Korma from Ministry of Education of Ethiopia, and Adanech Teshome from Wolaita Sodo University presented role of their University for the Work Package it participates at.

The European participants: Professor Kai Handel from University of Osnabruck, Professor Frank Ziegele from Center of Higher Education, and other expertise joined the meeting in online.

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European best practices to share with Ethiopian Universities of Applied Science from October 19–20, 2023 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Jigjiga University participated in F (it), A (djusted), I (innovative), T (rendy) & H (olistic) – (F.A.I.T.H.) Project: General Assembly Meeting and Dissemination Workshop: European best practices to share with Ethiopian Universities of Applied Science from October 19 – 20, 2023 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In the General Assembly Jigjiga University progress on the Work Package 8 (WP8) was presented by Mrs. Zufan Gebrehiwot. The next step of the work package and the social Media presence of the project are discussed by Mrs. Meka Kedir and Dr. Fekadu Yehuwalashet.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the national as well as regional economic and social development while also increasing the employability of the graduates through Ethio-EU UAS partnerships. The project is funded by the European Union and coordinated by Kotebe University of Education (KUE).

Ministry of Education, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Centre for Higher Education (CHE) from Germen, Jigjiga University (JJU), Wolita Sodo University (WSU) from Ethiopia are partnering universities.

In the sessions, European UAS success stories and experiences, Ethiopian status quo and the progress of the Tandem team of Ethiopian and European universities was presented, the way forward steps were discussed. In addition, for the effective implementation of the project dissemination and learning process in Ethiopia all 15 UAS universities Academic Program, Promotion and Development Directorate office representatives were participated.

In the workshop, Honorable Dr. Eba Mejana CEO, Ministry of Education and Honorable Dr. Berhanemeskel Tena, President Kotebe University of Education mentioned the importance of this project specifically to meet the objectives of Ethiopian Universities of Applied Science as well as the country educational development programs as large.

During the workshop, the CEO of the Ministry of Education, Hon. Dr Eba Mejana, and the President of Kotebe University of Education, Hon. Dr. Berhanemeskel Tena, emphasized on the significance of this project in meeting the goals of Ethiopian Universities of Applied Science and the nation’s educational development initiatives in general.

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Jigjiga University signed a partnership agreement on FAITH

Jigjiga University signed a partnership agreement on FAITH (Fit, Adjust, Innovative, Trendy, and Holistic) project funded by EU with the coordinating unit of this project, Kotobe University of Education.

The President of Jigjiga University Dr. Beshir Abdullahi, has signed the agreement with the observation of JJU-FAITH Appointed Representative Zufan Gebrehiwet Hagos (Ass’t. Prof).

Participants from Wolaita Sodo University, Ministry of Education, Kotebe University of Education and Jigjiga University, were attended the signing ceremony.

The overall objective of this partnership will be focused on capacity building in higher education and enhancing employability.